Department of Panchakarma

The main objective of the department of Panchakarma, NEIAH is to impart teaching, training, research and to provide quality health care services to the patients through Panchakarma. As the first batch of BAMS students took admission in 2016-17 sessions and now in first professional so presently the department is involved mainly in clinical activities and development of departmental infrastructure. The Panchakarma department of Ayurveda Hospital is now fully functional and is rendering hospital services at both OPD and IPD level along with specialised Panchakarma therapies by trained Panchakarma technicians under the supervision of Panchakarma specialists with great significance. The department started rendering OPD services since October 2016. However, the Panchakarma unit was imparting Panchakarma treatments to the patients of the region much before the inception of specialised OPD services.

The Panchakarma department is in fast expansion and gaining popularity in the region and expected to be one of the most important and popular Panchakarma centres in the region and the country and also an attraction for health tourism in near future.

Teaching Staff:

description here

Dr. Abhishek Bhattacharjee
Date of joining -01.08.16