Department of Swastha Vritta and Yoga

Swastha Vritta is the branch of Ayurveda that deals with the prevention of diseases and maintaining the health of an individual through diet and lifestyle modifications. Ayurveda, the science of life, which has the primary aim of attaining health and curing diseases of the ill, laid down all the principles which are necessary in the maintenance of health under the subject Swasthavritta, which is known as Preventive and Social Medicine or Community Medicine in modern medical sciences. To prevent diseases, one should adopt the measures like daily regimen, seasonal regimen, proper diet, yoga, hygiene and codes of conducts which all falls under Swasthavritta.

The department of Swasthavritta and Yoga was started when the Institution was established. The department provides diet and lifestyle modification consultancy services to the patients who are attending the OPD and IPD. It also organizes Health camps and Yoga camps or programs for students, staff, schools and general public.

Teaching Staff:

description here

Dr. Vijay Kumar
Associate Professor
MD (Ay)
Date of joining -02.08.16